Skin-Care Savvy Moms Share the Pregnancy-Safe Products They Swear By

Skin-Care Savvy Moms Share the Pregnancy-Safe Products They Swear By

During pregnancy, there are plenty of things to think about besides the state of your skin (like, you know, the tiny human you’re growing, or the fact that you have to pee every five minutes), which is why it can be extra annoying when it inevitably starts to freak out. For starters, the hormonal shifts associated with pregnancy can lead to issues like increased discoloration and breakouts (… there’s no one-size-fits-all for what this can look like), and since some ingredients (like retinoids and certain types of sunscreen) aren’t safe to use while pregnant, switching up your routine can create an entirely new slew of skin problems on top of the hormonal ones. Fun!

“During pregnancy, it feels like we are beyond limited as to what we can use ‘safely’ on our skin,” says Tiffany Libby, MD, a board-certified dermatologist in New York City and mom of three. “However, we still have many options on the table to address our skin’s concerns and needs so that we can keep up with our skin-care routine and not let skin health fall to the wayside.”

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