

Glytone’s approach combines its medical and pharmaceutical expertise with its strong ethical foundations in the treatment of aesthetic and corrective dermatology. The only way to ensure your Glytone product purchase is genuine and abides by strong ethical standards is to purchase it through authorized medical professionals or authorized online retailers. We cannot guarantee the product quality or authenticity of products purchased through any other outlet. Please see below for more information on where to buy Glytone products, designated online retailers, and important consumer information.

GLYTONE “Exclusively to Physicians”

Glytone is only available through a physician’s recommendation.  This ensures that the right combination of products is purchased for your specific skin type and needs. Please use our Find a Physician to locate an authorized professional in your area.

Where to Buy GLYTONE Products

As a professional strength brand, Glytone is mainly sold directly to the consumer through a medical professional. Dispensing physicians work directly with our product sales specialists to ensure a high level of brand knowledge. To locate a skin care professional in your area, please use the Find a Physician feature on our website. Prescriptions can be purchased in-person through these Glytone medical professionals.

Official GLYTONE Authorized Online Retailers

For our customers who prefer the convenience of purchasing products online, we have partnered with designated e-commerce websites. Glytone products may be purchased through the following authorized online retailers:

For specific questions on which Glytone products you should use or how to use them, please contact our customer service team by emailing us directly at or consult your designated skin care professional.

Consumer Warning: Unauthorized Internet Resellers

Many websites who claim to sell GLYTONE products have no relationship with our company and are not authorized resellers. Products sold through these websites are diverted and therefore may be diluted, expired or counterfeit. Additionally, they may not be safe to use or perform as tested. GLYTONE does not take any responsibility for purchaser dissatisfaction, and we will not accept returns from any unauthorized reseller. If you have any questions on whether a specific online retailer is an authorized retailer, please contact our customer service team by emailing us directly at

What is Diversion?

Diversion is when products are sold in "unauthorized" places. For example, all genuine Glytone products are sold exclusively through authorized Glytone medical professional and the above designated online retailers. Glytone products that you find outside of these places are considered to be "diverted."

Why is Diversion a Real Risk?

Diverted products can be counterfeit, diluted formulas, or old, expired formulas that may not be safe to use. This means if you buy our products from any other outlet other than authorized Glytone partners, we cannot guarantee that they are authentic Glytone products that will perform as tested. Glytone has twenty years of experience in in the aesthetic dispensing channels. We stand by our partnerships and our innovative, patented technologies. Accept no substitutes.

Contact Us

Please contact our customer service team by emailing us directly at with any questions or concerns regarding: